Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Machine vs. Free Weights

Many people who I talk to who are new to the gym (or exercise in general) say they've stayed away from free weights because they don't know how to use them. The machines are self explanatory on the little panel posted to the side of the machine. So what are the pros and cons of machines and free weights?

Here's a simple list of things to remember when deciding what to use in your workout.

Machines (not including cable machine)-

Pros: quick and easy to use; good at isolating large muscle groups; provides an even amount of resistance through the exercise; easier to determine correct form

Cons: Little range of motion; does not work small accessory muscles; may not be suitable for all body sizes and shapes

Free weights (includes dumbbells, kettlebells, plates, weighted medicine balls, etc.)-

Pros: Full range of motion; allows user to work smaller stabilizer and accessory muscles; uses the entire body; builds coordination, balance, and stability; engages core strength; suitable for everyone no matter how big or small; more exercises available; great for a home gym-easy to store in small spaces;

Cons: No instructions means figuring out proper form on your own; improper form can lead to injury

Taking these pros and cons into account may be helpful in determining which form of exercise is best for you. When in doubt, always ask a trained professional at the gym for assistance.

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